What's the ROI of AI? You won't know until you've learned how to make the most of it
diginomica.comUnlike the case for most tech tools, leaders don’t need to be convinced to prioritize AI spending – they’re already bought in. In fact, research group IDC forecasts that global spending on AI will more than double in the next five years, to reach a staggering $632 billion by 2028. But with that spending comes a desire to prove it’s all been worth it. And the elephant in the room is, it’s way too early to measure the true ROI of AI.
The introduction of generative AI is the biggest inflection point we’ve seen in modern times. It’s on par, if not more important than the internet, mobile, and cloud transformations. There’s a big opportunity to change how we approach age-old business problems with AI to gain a competitive edge. But leaders today still need more guidance and experience in understanding how to get ...
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