What to read this weekend: An immersive new work of Africanfuturism
EngadgetI hadn’t previously read anything by Nnedi Okorafor when I picked up Death of the Author, but after only a few pages in, I found myself making a mental note to add everything else she’s ever written to my To Read pile. Okorafor coined the term "Africanfuturism," describing a subcategory of science fiction that's "more directly rooted in African culture, history, mythology and point-of-view" than the more "America-centric" Afrofuturism.
Death of the Author is kind of like two books in one, following Nigerian American main character Zelu through her meteoric rise to fame as the author of an unexpected hit novel, Rusted Robots, and bringing us into said novel, set in a humanless future society inhabited by robots and AI.
Zelu, a disabled mid-30s writer with a huge extended family, is going through a rough patch when the book starts, and has to fight to be taken ...
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