What Is WebAssembly? An Introduction by@djhemath
hackernoon.comWebAssembly is a low-level assembly-like language. It lets us run applications built with different programming languages in the browser. It’s a truly cross-platform way to build applications. It is low- level so that it runs at near-native speed.
Introduction to WebAssembly
Hey makkals,
This post is a part of a multi-part series on WebAssembly. Check out other parts of the series here.
WebAssembly, or WASM for short, is a low-level assembly-like language. It lets us run applications built with different programming languages in the browser. It’s a truly cross-platform way to build applications. It is low-level so it runs at near-native speed enabling us to do a lot more on the web that wasn’t possible with just JavaScript.
If you’ve ever wished your web apps could run faster or handle tasks that seem too heavy for JavaScript, WebAssembly is here to help. In this ...
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