VC-Backed: Does It Equal VC-Secure?
hackernoon.comVenture capital funds often invest in projects that have a good reputation. But some of these projects have fallen victim to attacks. The Daily Hodl takes a look at five well-financed projects.
Blockchain projects often use their investment successes to boast as well as build up an audience.
It’s common to assume that if a project is good enough for a venture fund, it must be good enough for a user.
After all, would something so big and rich fail to perform due diligence? Sadly, money does not always equal security, and some users had to find that out the hard way. Despite having access to powerful mechanisms, ‘money people’ are not usually experts in Web 3.0 security. To put it simply, they won’t know where to look.
So, even if a project might be safe from a rug pull ...
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