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Secure a generative AI assistant with OWASP Top 10 mitigation

A common use case with generative AI that we usually see customers evaluate for a production use case is a generative AI-powered assistant. However, before it can be deployed, there is the typical production readiness assessment that includes concerns such as understanding the security posture, monitoring and logging, cost tracking, resilience, and more. The highest priority of these production readiness assessments is usually security. If there are security risks that can’t be clearly identified, then they can’t be addressed, and that can halt the production deployment of the generative AI application.

In this post, we show you an example of a generative AI assistant application and demonstrate how to assess its security posture using the OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model Applications, as well as how to apply mitigations for common threats.

Generative AI scoping framework

Start by understanding where your generative AI application fits within the ...

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