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Review: Ratio Four Coffee Maker

Photograph: Matthew Korfhage; Getty Images

Truly excellent, full-bodied drip coffee for one or two mugs. Easy one-button operation, complete with bloom cycle. Small profile fits easily in or under cabinets.

The Ratio Four coffeemaker does one of two things: It will make one delicious mug of coffee. Or it will make two delicious mugs of coffee.

Technically, you could also make one and a half mugs of delicious coffee, or a half a mug. But this is where it stops. This is the end of what the device will accomplish.

What a rare and wonderful achievement.

Here’s the thing. Your classic drip coffeemaker is a wonderfully simple and useful device, but it shuns the singleton. It looks sideways, even, at a couple. A 12-cup coffeemaker makes large batches fit instead for offices, diners, and church socials.

It’s not a big problem, per se. But it is a bigness ...

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