Tech »  Topic »  Researchers Exploited Windows Charset Conversion Feature to Execute Remote Code

Researchers Exploited Windows Charset Conversion Feature to Execute Remote Code

Researchers have exposed a systemic vulnerability within the Windows operating system, leveraging its “Best-Fit” charset conversion feature to bypass security checks and execute remote code.

The findings highlight widespread implications across various applications, with real-world exploitation scenarios impacting widely used tools such as Microsoft Excel, PHP-CGI, and others.

Charset Conversion and “Best-Fit” Behavior

Windows systems operate on dual encoding systems, Unicode (UTF-16) for modern compatibility and legacy ANSI for older applications.

To bridge these, Windows employs an internal feature called “Best-Fit” mapping, which approximates characters unsupported by a specific code page to their visually or functionally similar counterparts.

For example, the infinity symbol (∞) may be mapped to the digit “8.”While designed with compatibility in mind, researchers have demonstrated that this behavior inadvertently creates attack vectors, including Path Traversal, Argument Splitting, and Remote Code Execution (RCE).

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