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Moss on AI Disruption: 'Everything, Everywhere, All at Once'

Jeff Moss, founder, Black Hat and DEF CON conferences (Photo: Mathew Schwartz / ISMG)

The pace of change including the rise of artificial intelligence and a sense of accelerating chaos can make cybersecurity professionals feel like "things are kind of everything, everywhere, all at once," said cybersecurity expert Jeff Moss, riffing on the 2022 comedy-absurdist film.

As the founder and creator of both the Black Hat and DEF CON conferences, Moss continues to take a bigger-picture view on how cybersecurity interfaces with major issues of the day, lately including not just geopolitics but also critical infrastructure resiliency as well as machine learning and AI (see: Artificial Intelligence Looms Large at Black Hat Europe).

One of the major trends he's seen of late involves the feeling that things are moving quicker than before - something that looks like a form of "accelerationism," he said.

"There's a certain mindset that thinks that ...

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