Learning/training in the AI age - is your organization ready?
diginomica.comThere has been considerable discussion of late re: AI’s ability to obliterate millions of jobs and/or radically change those jobs that remain. One key discussion element that isn’t getting a lot of conversation could be the need to train, re-train, and re-skill the remaining workers.
More specifically, we need to have answers, soon, on issues like:
- Are today’s mostly pre-AI training content and courses relevant and current in an AI-powered world?
- Are companies in possession of adequate training content, tools, budget, etc. to make these transitions a reality/success?
- Are the training materials and delivery methods of maximum interest and use to different workforce demographic groups (e.g., for Baby Boomers and Gen Z)?
- Can AI play a role in the identification, scheduling, content and delivery of modern training?
- Even if companies can fund the acquisition and delivery of needed training, will employees get the time ...
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