Tech »  Topic »  iPhone 16 Pro: Upgrading from iPhone 13 Pro or earlier? Your list of new features is impressive

iPhone 16 Pro: Upgrading from iPhone 13 Pro or earlier? Your list of new features is impressive

ZDNET's Jason Hiner with the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max in the Steve Jobs Theater on September 9, 2024. Kerry Wan/ZDNET

In my iPhone reviews, I try to keep in mind that most iPhone upgraders are coming from a phone that's at least three years old. With that in mind, I've put together a list of the most important upgrades you'll find in your new iPhone 16 Pro (or Max) if you're coming from the 2021 iPhone Pro or earlier. 

Spoiler: You're probably going to be pretty happy.

Also: We've used every iPhone 16 model and here's our best buying advice for 2024

What's it like upgrading from iPhone 13 Pro?

If you're coming from an iPhone 13 Pro or earlier then you are in for a lot of significant new capabilities when you switch to ...

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