GreenBrilliance Solar Review: The Best Solar Company for the Mid-Atlantic
cnetAs more homeowners turn to solar energy, more solar scams and subpar providers also seem to pop up. Picking the right company isn't just about the price; it's also about reliability, trust and long-term performance. That's why when you find one of the good guys, stick with them.
GreenBrilliance, founded in 2007, receives one of the highest scores we've given a solar company, at 8.7 out of 10. This score reflects the company's equipment options, service offers and overall customer reviews. The company outranks Palmetto Solar thanks to its 30-year warranty. However, Palmetto operates in 25 states while GreenBrilliance serves six and Washington, D.C., giving it a more limited footprint. However, customers outside GreenBrilliance's service area still have highly rated options.
"Global warming is real and that is a huge priority, but we're also focused on doing the right thing for ...
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