Tech »  Topic »  Finally, Bluetooth trackers for Android users that function even better than AirTags

Finally, Bluetooth trackers for Android users that function even better than AirTags

Chipolo's One and Card trackers are perfect for people who often lose their keys and wallet. You can buy them in either single units or multipacks.

  • The Chipolo One Point and Card Point are available starting at $22.
  • They're highly accurate, robust, and integrate well into the Google ecosystem.
  • However, the One is only splashproof, and the Card version has a non-user-replaceable battery.

AirTags are one of the things that have set the Apple ecosystem apart from the Android ecosystem. But now that Google has rolled out its Find My Device network, the Android ecosystem is catching up.

Also: How to tell if an AirTag is secretly tracking you - and what to do about it

And spearheading that is Slovenia-based Chipolo, a tech company that's been in the finder tag market (the company uses the word "finder" rather than "tracker") for over a decade, and it has ...

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