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Enhance your customer’s omnichannel experience with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Lex

The rise of AI has opened new avenues for enhancing customer experiences across multiple channels. Technologies like natural language understanding (NLU) are employed to discern customer intents, facilitating efficient self-service actions. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) translates spoken words into text, enabling seamless voice interactions. With Amazon Lex bots, businesses can use conversational AI to integrate these capabilities into their call centers. Amazon Lex uses ASR and NLU to comprehend customer needs, guiding them through their journey. These AI technologies have significantly reduced agent handle times, increased Net Promoter Scores (NPS), and streamlined self-service tasks, such as appointment scheduling.

The advent of generative AI further expands the potential to enhance omnichannel customer experiences. However, concerns about security, compliance, and AI hallucinations often deter businesses from directly exposing customers to large language models (LLMs) through their omnichannel solutions. This is where the integration of Amazon Lex and Amazon Bedrock becomes invaluable. In ...

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