Doom: The Dark Ages will supercharge demon kills with a deadly shield saw on May 15
venturebeatId Software, a division of Microsoft’s Bethesda, unveiled the details of Doom: The Dark Ages, a prequel to Doom 2016 coming on May 15.
It’s a big reveal for a game that is the third in a series of modern Doom games — Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal in 2020 — and this one is about the “medieval war against hell.” It got a “shield saw” that flies and cuts demons to pieces and a lot of heavy armor. But make no mistake that the weapons are out of this world. I expect this to be one of the biggest Xbox games of the year. And it was cool to hear the developers answer questions about the direct presentation in a press event.
With music blasting, id’s leaders unveiled a video of the gameplay for the first time since Microsoft mentioned the game in passing at its Summer Game ...
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