Tech »  Topic »  Disney+ drops new trailer for Doctor Who season 2 that promises an epic adventure across time and space

Disney+ drops new trailer for Doctor Who season 2 that promises an epic adventure across time and space

(Image credit: BBC)

A brand new trailer for the upcoming second season of Doctor Who has materialized and it looks like we’re in for a wild ride.

The official trailer (see below) emphasizes the epic scale of this season as Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor, alongside new companion Belinda (Varada Sethu) embark on a journey across time and space – and perhaps even realities – on a quest to return The Doctor’s new BFF to Earth.

The latest trailer for one of the best Disney+ shows continues to delve into the mystery surrounding Belinda, and just why she bares more than a passing resemblance to Mundy Flynn, from last season’s Steven Moffat penned episode, ‘Boom’.

While showrunner Russell T. Davies original claimed Sethu’s casting was simply a Karen Gillian-like case of a guest actor impressing enough to bag a full-time role, it’s clear from the footage we ...

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