Davos 2025 - will the last CEOs to deal with human-only workforces get to the office in robo-cars? Salesforce, Anthropic and Uber contemplate AI potentials
diginomica.comAI runs through the thematic DNA of this year’s World Economic Forum gathering in Davos as it inevitably would, with discussions ranging from long term ‘blue sky thinking’ to the more immediately practical.
One of the more unexpected examples of the latter came from the moderator of a panel session who said that his Davos app had told him it was time to go home after being out and about and having several drinks the night before.
Thank Salesforce for that bossy app, it seems. Salesforce has run information management for Davos for over a decade, as CEO Marc Benioff pointed out:
So when you're on the Davos app, and you're going through all the lists of all the sessions and who's attending and all that, and you figure out how to make the most productive use of your week, you're using all this Salesforce ...
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