Davos 2025 - in the heated debate around AGI, will no-one think about where Godzilla got his fish?
diginomica.comA starting point for any discussion around Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is to decide what’s meant by the term - and that’s likely to create a lot of debate in its own right. A panel of AI experts at Davos this week agreed to differ on the point. Or as the session moderator explained it:
We agreed in the green room to disagree that AGI is the ability of machines to do any intellectual task that a human can do. Half of them agree with that; half of them don’t.
With that proviso understood, it was on to other matters, not the least of which was the question of when are we likely to see AGI become a reality? Given that over-hyped scuttlebutt continues to tell us on a regular basis that OpenAI’s about to unleash it on the world any day now, for Andrew Ng, Executive ...
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