Cyber Insights 2025: Social Engineering Gets AI Wings
securityweekBusiness resilience must be the ultimate purpose of all the security controls and processes we employ, because we will never conclusively defeat or protect ourselves from social engineering.
Cyber Insights 2025 examines expert opinions on the expected evolution of more than a dozen areas of cybersecurity interest over the next 12 months. We spoke to hundreds of individual experts to gain their expert opinions. Here we discuss what to expect in Social Engineering.
Social engineering underpins the greater part of criminal cyber activity. We are yet to find a solution, because social engineering is hard-wired into everyone’s psyche.
The enduring nature of social engineering
The internet introduced the citizen journalist. Artificial intelligence introduces the citizen social engineer. Anyone can be a social engineer – in fact, everyone is a social engineer. The problem is that regardless of personal skill levels, AI gives the social engineer wings. What has always been ...
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