Tech »  Topic »  Bringing hidden contract details to light helps maximize revenue, says Conga CEO

Bringing hidden contract details to light helps maximize revenue, says Conga CEO

Orders and invoices have been digitized and tracked in ERP systems for more than half a century. Sales prospects and deals have been captured in CRM systems for decades. But across every industry, the contracts on which all of those transactions rest still sit in filing cabinets and document systems. Capturing the mass of unstructured data hidden away in those contracts has been the lifetime mission of quote-to-cash vendor Conga since it was founded almost twenty years ago. But the advent of generative AI has brought a new energy to that mission, with its ability to find meaning and extract data from any form of written or spoken language.

Noel Goggin, Conga's CEO, sees a new opportunity to capture data and analyze it, not only from sales contracts but also across the procurement realm, to help businesses grow revenues and manage costs. He says:

Getting everybody anchored on the ...

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