Tech »  Topic »  “Big Brother in your pocket:” Privacy advocates slam UK ID digital wallet proposal

“Big Brother in your pocket:” Privacy advocates slam UK ID digital wallet proposal

(Image credit: GOV.UK)

Privacy experts have slammed the UK government's plans to create a digital identity wallet mobile app, describing it as "putting Big Brother in your pocket."

The GOV.UK Wallet and App are a means "to simplify access to services and documents," reads the official announcement published on Wednesday, January 21, 2025. Citizens will be able to carry government-issued ID documents, like their driver’s license or passport, directly on their phones – similar to how many of us currently store our bank cards.

The plan echoes the EU Digital Identity Wallet scheme which passed last year despite criticism from privacy experts. In the UK, like in the EU, the concerns are the same – greater convenience shouldn't come at the expense of increased surveillance and data security risks.

"Honeypot for hackers"

With the GOV.UK Wallet set to be launched during the summer, Britons will soon ...

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