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BD Soft’s partnership with GTB Technologies marks a significant milestone in delivering advanced cybersecurity solutions to businesses across India

By Express Computer

BD Software Distribution Pvt. Ltd has announced an alliance with GTB Technologies, Inc. This alliance aims to strengthen the cybersecurity landscape for businesses in a constantly evolving digital economy.

GTB Technologies is helping to protect sensitive information from accidental leaks, malicious breaches, and unauthorised access. With cutting-edge technology and real-time enforcement capabilities, GTB helps secure sensitive data across endpoints, networks, cloud environments, and storage systems, helping organisations stay compliant with the ever-evolving global security regulations.GTB’s advanced offerings include Data Discovery, Classification, Endpoint Protection, and intelligent threat detection tools, enabling organisations to safeguard critical assets while navigating today’s complex cybersecurity challenges with confidence and resilience.

Commenting on the partnership, Mr. Zakir Hussain Rangwala, CEO of BD Soft, said, “We are pleased to announce our partnership with GTB Technologies. This collaboration enables us to introduce advanced cybersecurity solutions that address the diverse and evolving security needs ...

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