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Angular Destroys React When It Comes to Scaling Enterprise Apps: Here's Why

Angular Destroys React When It Comes to Scaling Enterprise Apps: Here's Why by @tomaszs

Tom Smykowski: Choosing the right framework is key to growing your app without headaches. The wrong choice can lead to messy code, higher costs, and constant rework. He explains why Angular is a great choice for building scalable apps.

Picking the right framework is key to growing your app without headaches. The wrong choice can lead to messy code, higher costs, and constant rework. Angular is built to handle growth, making it easier to go from a small project to a large, scalable product. If you want to avoid common scaling problems, this article is for you. One of the major decisions a startup or company has to make is deciding which set of technologies to use to build an app. There are many ways to approach this, and one of the biggest choices is ...

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