AIoT in 2025 Transforming Industries for a Smarter, Safer, and More Sustainable Future
itvoice.inTop 5 trends for the AIoT industry in 2025
In recent years, we have explored the evolving trends in the security landscape. As technology has advanced, the focus has broadened from merely securing our world—to making it smarter. AIoT (AI-powered Internet of Things) is leading this transformation, revolutionizing industries beyond security. This year, we dive deeper into the trends driving AIoT, showing how they are reshaping industries and fostering a more efficient, secure, and sustainable future.
Perception technologies are adapting to varied environments and situational needs
Perception technologies are continuing to evolve to operate efficiently in diverse conditions. AI Image Signal Processing (AI-ISP) technology, for example, has already set a high bar on image quality performance in low-light conditions by significantly reducing image noise and addressing motion blur. For large-scale monitoring scenarios that require wide angles and detailed images, Ultra High Definition (UHD) technologies are becoming the norm. They ...
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