Tech »  Topic »  AI isn't what your customers want - here's what to invest in instead

AI isn't what your customers want - here's what to invest in instead

Yana Iskayeva/Getty Images

*** Deep sigh ***

This is the part of the article where I usually drop a witty line to spark your curiosity or offer a fresh perspective on something intriguing.

But today, I'm literally at a loss for words. (If you know me, you know how hard it is to leave me speechless.)

Let me explain

There I was, minding my own bidness and getting some work done, when I got a Slack notification from Jason (ZD's big boss). 👨‍💻

He sent me an article about Meta's plans to integrate AI-generated user profiles and content across its social media platforms.

Also: Operator isn't worth its $200-per-month ChatGPT Pro subscription yet - here's why

His caption: "What do you think about this?"

That's corporate talk for, "I'm subtly telling you what to do, and you should write about this…" 🙃

Not gonna lie, I had ...

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