A lighter, smarter magnetoreceptive electronic skin
sciencedaily.com - artificial_intelligenceImagine navigating a virtual reality with contact lenses or operating your smartphone under water: This and more could soon be a reality thanks to innovative e-skins. A research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has developed an electronic skin that detects and precisely tracks magnetic fields with a single global sensor. This artificial skin is not only light, transparent and permeable, but also mimics the interactions of real skin and the brain, as the team reports in the journal Nature Communications.
Originally developed for robotics, e-skins imitate the properties of real skin. They can give robots a sense of touch or replace lost senses in humans. Some can even detect chemical substances or magnetic fields. But the technology also has its limits. Highly functional e-skins are often impractical because they rely on extensive electronics and large batteries. "Previous technologies have used numerous individual sensors and transistors to localize sources ...
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