Tech »  Topic »  5 things I want from the iPhone 17 – or I’m out and back to Android

5 things I want from the iPhone 17 – or I’m out and back to Android

Just when I thought I was out, Apple pulls me back in… in this case I’m talking specifically about how I’ve stuck with using an iPhone Pro model since making the switch from Android back in 2021.

But each year since then the iPhone updates have been essentially iterative, with very little in the way of upgrades to tingle my tech synapse. Meanwhile, the Google Pixel phones have evolved rather nicely, and the Pixel 9 Pro on my desk is sitting there siren-like, calling me back to Android.

It hasn’t quite succeeded, mainly due to the annoyance of trying to work out how to neatly transfer the WhatsApp messages I want to keep, and some Apple services that I’m still signed up for. But if Apple keeps going the way it has with its next generation of iPhones, then I really could see myself switching back ...

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