15 Databases, 15 Use Cases—Stop Using the Wrong Database for the Right Problem
hackernoon.comThis guide covers 15 types of databases, explaining their key features, use cases, and popular examples to help developers choose the best option for their projects.
1. Relational Database
Relational databases are incredibly popular because of their structured nature, ability to manage large amounts of data, and well-established ecosystem! Data is organized into tables with columns of fixed data type. Relationships between rows are established using Foreign Keys (FKs).
These databases are well-suited for structured data with well-defined relationships, maintaining data integrity, and constraints!
Example: Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, etc.
Some common use cases of Relational Databases are as follows ~
- E-Commerce — Tracking customer data, orders, and inventory
- Finance — For managing transactions, account details, etc.
- Healthcare — Maintaining patient records, appointments, and billing information
2. Wide Column Database
Wide-Column databases are NoSQL databases that store data in ...
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