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Wipro asks the question: cloud or on-premises infrastructure for AI projects?

According to a recent Wipro report, cloud infrastructure is emerging as a critical enabler of AI innovation for enterprises. The Wipro FullStride Cloud Pulse of Cloud: Q2 2024 report offers insights drawn from a survey of 500 senior executives and decision-makers in enterprises across North America and Europe. It draws the conclusion that the cost, time and expertise required to host fast-growing AI workloads on-premises renders such an approach impractical, while cloud services allow organizations to access advanced capabilities required for AI models. In fact, however, the findings suggest that many organizations are hedging their bets with a mix of on-premises and public cloud infrastructure for AI setup.

Hybrid infrastructure reigns for AI workloads

Of the organizations that Wipro surveyed, 65% are implementing their AI capabilities through a combination of public cloud and on-premises infrastructure and expect AI workloads will exist on a spectrum that runs from public cloud to ...

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