What You Need to Know Before 'Invincible' Season 3 Premiers on Thursday
cnetJason Chun is a CNET writer covering a range of topics in tech, home, wellness, finance and streaming services. He is passionate about language and technology, and has been an avid writer/reader of science fiction for most of his life. He holds a BA from UC Santa Barbara and an MFA from The New School.
"We can be the good guys, or we can be the guys that save the world. We can't be both." So says Cecil to his team in the season 3 trailer for Invincible. The new season, which premiers this Thursday, promises to push 19-year-old Mark and his fellow superheroes to new highs and lows.
What does the season 3 trailer hint will happen next?
The official season trailer, released in December, opens with a training progress update ...
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