Tech »  Topic »  What better place to inject OpenAI's o1 than Los Alamos national lab, right?

What better place to inject OpenAI's o1 than Los Alamos national lab, right?

OpenAI has announced another deal with Uncle Sam, this time to get its very latest models in the hands of US government scientists working on nuclear security and more.

The Microsoft-backed AI maker today announced a US national lab partnership that will start with deployment of its reasoning-capable o1 LLM on Los Alamos National Laboratory's (LANL) Venado supercomputer. The Nvidia-powered beast of a machine is designed for artificial intelligence workloads, which OpenAI hopes will supercharge its model to enable various scientific breakthroughs. 

According to OpenAI, LANL will use o1 to identify new approaches to treating diseases, protect the US power grid, enhance America's cyber and general security, contribute to high-energy physics research, and more. 

The announcement also plays into President Trump's prior executive order on US energy leadership, citing o1 at LLNL as "unlocking the full potential of natural resources and revolutionizing the nation's energy infrastructure ...

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