Tech »  Topic »  Upcoming PS5 exclusives - release schedule for confirmed games

Upcoming PS5 exclusives - release schedule for confirmed games

(Image credit: Naughty Dog)

Upcoming PS5 exclusives include AAA first-party games, as well as Sony's future slate of multiplayer titles, something slightly newer that the publisher seems to be pushing quite hard. Regardless of what kind of games you like to play, there are plenty of exclusives coming to PS5, many of which already have release dates or broad release windows.

In terms of upcoming games, the next year or so of PS5 exclusives look set to be an extremely strong lineup. That's before you consider the multiplayer offering, with games like Marathon set to continue Bungie's success in the FPS game genre.

Here are the upcoming PS5 exclusives to look forward to in 2025 and beyond. We'll only be covering games that have been officially confirmed for release, many of which already have solid release dates locked in. In terms of what games we've ...

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