Tech »  Topic »  Tired of Your Internet Provider? Switching ISPs Should Not Be a Headache

Tired of Your Internet Provider? Switching ISPs Should Not Be a Headache

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Ready to say goodbye to your internet provider? There's a lot of reasons to move on from one ISP to the next, whether you're switching for faster speeds or lower monthly pricing or maybe, like countless other Americans, you just don't like your internet provider.

Whatever the reason, calling to cancel your internet service is an inevitable part of the human experience, and it doesn't have to be stressful. Switching internet providers comes down to three things: understanding your current internet situation, choosing another internet provider in your area and coordinating a successful switch. It'll take a phone call or two to customer service, and maybe a trip to the post office to return equipment, but other than that, it should be a fairly painless process. Let's dive in.

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