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Thousands Impacted by Casio Data Breach

Casio has completed its investigation into the data breach caused by a recent ransomware attack and found that thousands of individuals are impacted.

Japanese electronics giant Casio has completed its investigation into the data breach caused by a recent ransomware attack and found that thousands of individuals are impacted.

The company revealed in early October 2024 that some systems had failed and some services had been disrupted as a result of unauthorized access to its network.

A few days later it confirmed that it had been targeted in a ransomware attack that resulted in personal information and confidential corporate files getting stolen.

Casio has now completed its forensic investigation and determined exactly what type of data has been compromised, as well as how the attackers gained access to its systems.

The company’s report indicates that the attackers gained access through vulnerabilities in overseas offices. It suggests that initial access ...

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