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This Simple Python Script Will Finally Fix Your Messy Downloads Folder

This Simple Python Script Will Finally Fix Your Messy Downloads Folder by @omotayojude

Python developer Eric Mahasi created a tool that organizes your Windows Downloads folder. I added support for OpenDocument Spreadsheets and Rich Text Format.

Ever stared at a messy Downloads folder and wished it’d sort itself? I did—and then I found a Python tool to fix it.

As a Python developer who spends half my life wrangling data, I’m all about automation. So when I stumbled across downloads-folder-automation on GitHub, a neat little script that organizes your Windows Downloads folder, I knew I’d found a gem. Better yet? It was open source, and I could make it my own.

On my job, I mostly sling Pandas and NumPy for data analysis, with some JavaScript on the side. This project spoke to me: clean code, a real-world problem, and a chance to contribute. My mission ...

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