Tech »  Topic »  The 6 Best White Noise Machines of 2025

The 6 Best White Noise Machines of 2025

Getting quality sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Whether you have trouble falling asleep or just want help improving sleep, white noise machines work to eliminate any environmental sounds or background noise and replace it with calming white noise.

When I lived in an apartment complex with thin walls, a sound machine helped drown out environmental noises such as crying babies, revving engines and barking dogs. White noise machines can also make an excellent gift for your fellow insomniacs.

To help everyone catch more z's and get some solid sleep, I tried out a bunch of white noise machines. If these can help me, the ultimate light sleeper, drift off to dreamland, then they're definitely worth checking out if you want a good night's sleep too.

The best white noise machine

We tested the best white noise machines on the market ...

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