SquareX Researchers Uncover OAuth Vulnerability in Chrome Extensions Days Before Major Breach
gbhackersSquareX, an industry-first Browser Detection and Response (BDR) solution, leads the way in browser security. About a week ago, SquareX reported large-scale attacks targeting Chrome Extension developers aimed at taking over the Chrome Extension from the Chrome Store.
On December 25th, 2024, a malicious version of Cyberhaven’s browser extension was published on the Chrome Store that allowed the attacker to hijack authenticated sessions and exfiltrate confidential information.
The malicious extension was available for download for more than 30 hours before being removed by Cyberhaven. The data loss prevention company declined to comment on the extent of the impact when approached by the press, but the extension had over 400,000 users on the Chrome Store at the time of the attack.
Unfortunately, the attack took place as SquareX’s researchers had identified a similar attack with a video demonstrating the entire attack pathway just a week before the ...
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