Square Enix Mulls Ban And Legal Action For Controversial Final Fantasy 14 Mod
hothardware.comSquare Enix finds itself dealing with a problematic mod for its popular MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, just days after another developer made waves by announcing it was foregoing a PC port to avoid the modding scene entirely. The mod has created significant anxiety within the game’s community, as players are worried that there’s a possibility of their private information being revealed.
The mod in question, PlayScope, allows users to scrape data on fellow players. Revealing details regarding account information, such as playtime statistics, characters that have been created by a player, and players’ in-game movements. PCGamesN has reported on this mod in the past, and how it can be used to harass players. For example, there is a Discord channel where information is shared, and users discuss violent and dangerous actions they would like to see visited on other players.
The situation forced the game’s director, Naoki ...
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