Samsung Shows a Wild Stretchable Display and the Brightest Smartwatch Screen I've Ever Seen
cnetSamsung Display's latest concept stretches to give images more depth, making them look slightly 3D without having to wear glasses.
You've probably seen a 3D screen, but what about a screen that actually moves and bulges in the middle? That's exactly what Samsung Display is showing here at CES with its new stretchable display concept. So as I mentioned, the center of the screen actually bulges out to make kind of like a dome shape in the middle, which provides a 3D effect without actually having to wear glasses. Now it's important to keep in mind that this is just a concept. It's not an actual product or device that you'll be able to buy. So what Samsung Display usually shows here at CES are the technologies that it's working on and the concept so that it can market them to its clients ...
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