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Organize Your Bookmarks in Google Chrome to Regain Your Sanity

We’re living in chaotic times. The stock market is unpredictable, and the political landscape resembles a minefield. For anyone who is seeking a little more sanity, there is a way to stay more organized even when your brain is scattered—at least when it comes to Google Chrome.

The browser’s bookmarks system, which has been a key part of Chrome ever since the browser launched in 2008, is an easily overlooked feature. But if you’re not using it, you should learn how it works, because it’s a godsend.

Chrome’s bookmarks system is modeled after the folder structure on your computer. You can build folders to organize your bookmarked web pages, filter how the lists or folders are displayed, and drag and drop them to different places.

To access the All Bookmarks side panel, click All Bookmarks on the far upper right side of the Chrome ...

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