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Nulled, Other Cybercrime Websites Seized by Law Enforcement

Several cybercrime websites have been seized in a law enforcement operation, including Nulled, Cracked, Sellix, and StarkRDP.

Several major cybercriminal websites have been seized this week as part of an international law enforcement operation.

The visitors of websites such as Nulled, Cracked, Sellix and StarkRDP are now greeted by a message saying that the site has been seized as part of Operation Talent.

“This website, as well as the information on the customers and victims of the website, has been seized by international law enforcement partners,” the message reads.

The website seizure screen contains the logos of law enforcement agencies in the United States, Australia, Greece, Germany, Spain, Romania, France and other countries.

Nulled and Cracked are the most well-known of these sites. The two hacking forums have been around for years. The other targeted sites offered virtual servers and financial platforms that could be used for various types of ...

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