Tech »  Topic »  North Korea stole $659 million in crypto assets last year, the US says

North Korea stole $659 million in crypto assets last year, the US says

nadia_bormotova via Getty Images

The United States, Japan and South Korea have issued a warning against North Korean threat actors, who are actively and aggressively targeting the cryptocurrency industry. In their joint advisory, the countries said threat actor groups affiliated with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) continue to stage numerous cybercrime campaigns to steal cryptocurrency. Those bad actors — including the Lazarus hacking group, which the US believes has been deploying cyber attacks all over the world since 2009 — target "exchanges, digital asset custodians and individual users." And apparently, they stole $659 million in crypto assets in 2024 alone.

North Korean hackers have been using "well-disguised social engineering attacks" to infiltrate their targets' systems, the countries said. They also warned that the actors could get access to systems owned by the private sector by posing as freelance IT workers. Back in 2022, the US issued guidelines on how ...

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