Neutered: Federal court strikes down FCC authority to impose net neutrality rules
techspot.comWhat just happened? The net neutrality saga is effectively over following a federal appeals court ruling this week, unless Congress decides to revisit the debate. Given the current political climate, that seems improbable, and the Trump administration is unlikely to revive the cause.
The Federal Communications Commission's long-standing effort to establish stronger oversight of the internet was dealt a decisive blow this week when the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC lacks the authority to regulate wireless and home broadband services under the same set of rules that have traditionally governed telephone service.
The court's decision hinged on the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned the Chevron deference, a precedent that had previously granted federal agencies significant leeway in interpreting ambiguous statutory language. This ruling significantly curtailed the FCC's ability to implement and enforce net neutrality regulations.
Net neutrality, a principle that advocates for ...
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