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Multiple 0-Day Flaws in Automated Tank Gauge Systems Threaten Critical Infrastructure

Decoding Compliance With CISOs

Cybersecurity researchers from BitSight TRACE have uncovered multiple 0-day vulnerabilities in Automated Tank Gauge (ATG) systems, which are integral to managing fuel storage tanks across various critical infrastructures.

These vulnerabilities in six ATG systems from five vendors pose significant threats to public safety and economic stability.

The flaws could potentially be exploited by malicious actors to cause physical damage, environmental hazards, and economic losses.

The Role of ATG Systems in Critical Infrastructure

Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) systems are designed to automatically measure and record product level, volume, and temperature in storage tanks.

These systems are used in gas stations and are prevalent in military bases, hospitals, airports, emergency services, and power plants.

They are crucial in ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and optimizing inventory management. However, their exposure to the internet makes them vulnerable targets for cyberattacks.

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