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Most people crank up the brightness, making energy savings moot

Using apps and websites in dark mode can actually use more energy than standard mode, according to researchers, as it causes people to crank up the brightness.

This counterintuitive finding is claimed by BBC Research & Development (R&D), which says that despite the popular energy saving recommendation to cut electricity consumption by switching to dark mode, doing so might actually make things worse.

"Dark mode is a popular dark-theme colour content scheme and research has found that, for some devices, switching to dark mode can reduce device power consumption. Energy conscious internet users are therefore encouraged to browse in dark mode," say the authors of a BBC R&D blog post.

"The catch is that the advertised energy savings haven't been tested in the wild, where user behavior can cause unexpected consequences."

So the BBC's R&D engineers put participants in front of the BBC Sounds home page and asked ...

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