Tech »  Topic »  Missing: Thousands of Government Web Pages Removed by New Administration

Missing: Thousands of Government Web Pages Removed by New Administration

Some government-run pages have returned with changes, while others remain inaccessible. SOPA Images/Getty

Many went dark on Friday in apparent response to a series of executive orders from President Donald Trump on issues including diversity initiatives, the government's recognition of only two genders and military orders to stop recognizing months such as Black History Month and National Hispanic Heritage Month.

On Jan. 31 and over the weekend, some websites returned with changes, others remained dark, and some came back with no changes, according to a data investigation by the New York Times. Web pages for agencies including the Centers for Disease Control, the Census Bureau, Department of Justice, Head Start, National Parks Service and the Food and Drug Administration were among those affected. The Associated Press offered its own list of web pages affected, which included gender pages on the Bureau of Prisons website, pages from the National ...

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