Tech »  Topic »  Microsoft's Copilot 'Wave 2' is a tsunami of unanswered questions

Microsoft's Copilot 'Wave 2' is a tsunami of unanswered questions

Microsoft's Copilot Wave 2 has arrived, bringing agents and unanswered questions.

First up are BizChat and Copilot Pages. BizChat is a central hub, intended to bring together all a customer's data – be it web, corporate, or line of business – into a single place in the flow of work. Lurking as a persistent canvas in BizChat is Copilot Pages, which takes ephemeral AI-generated content and makes it durable so it can be edited, added to, and shared with others.

"This is an entirely new work pattern – multiplayer, human to AI to human collaboration," Microsoft said. It's also only available to customers that have paid for Copilot for Microsoft 365. However, it will be coming to customers using the free Microsoft Copilot with a Microsoft Entra account.

We're not sure it is an entirely new work pattern. It looks an awful lot like copying and pasting the response ...

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