Tech »  Topic »  Microsoft is apparently handing out big bonuses to prevent poaching of AI talent

Microsoft is apparently handing out big bonuses to prevent poaching of AI talent

Cutting corners: Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly the hottest topic in tech right now. For Big Tech companies, securing top talent for their AI teams is critical. It's no surprise, then, that Microsoft is pulling out all the stops to make sure their talent doesn't get poached by rivals.

An internal Microsoft document obtained by Business Insider sheds some light on how the company is ramping up efforts to retain key AI employees.

Managers at Microsoft can request retention bonuses and special compensation packages for employees they deem essential to the company's AI initiatives. These forms include sections asking managers to assess the potential harm to AI projects if the individual were to leave.

A notable addition to the process is a field specifically addressing the employee's contributions to AI development. Managers must indicate whether the individual qualifies as "critical AI talent" and explain the risks to ...

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