Tech »  Topic »  Meta's leak problem just cost 20 employees their jobs, with more firings expected

Meta's leak problem just cost 20 employees their jobs, with more firings expected

What just happened? Around a month after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg complained about company leaks, roughly 20 employees have been fired for allegedly leaking confidential information, and it sounds as if more terminations will follow. Exactly what the leaks entailed is unclear.

Zuckerberg highlighted the problem of company leaks during an all-hands meeting last month. Ironically, his rant leaked online almost immediately.

"We try to be really open and then everything I say leaks. It sucks," Zuckerberg said.

"I think there are a bunch of things that are value-destroying that I'm not going to talk about," he added. "Maybe it's the nature of running a company of this scale. But it's a little bit of a bummer."

Meta said that employees discovered to be leaking information would be fired. Now, The Verge reports that "roughly" 20 workers have lost their jobs for ignoring the warning.

"We tell ...

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