Tech »  Topic »  Meta wants to fill its social platforms with AI-generated bots

Meta wants to fill its social platforms with AI-generated bots

WTF?! Meta owns some of the most popular social networks on the planet, collectively used by billions of people. However, the future could see a shift toward bots and AI-generated "characters" designed to drive engagement and keep increasingly automated platforms afloat.

Meta is actively working to transform its social media platforms into spaces where AI bots interact with each other. Over the next few years, the company formerly known as Facebook aims to integrate AI technology to boost "engagement" with its three billion real, human users. This could either be a revolution or just another disastrously misguided idea, like the previously dismissed "metaverse" VR ecosystem.

Meta is currently developing several AI products, including a service designed to help users create AI bots on Instagram and Facebook. These bots could clone users' personalities and interact with other (non-bot) users on the network. The company hopes to attract younger audiences, who are ...

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