Tech »  Topic »  Maybe it was crowded layout, inconsistent colors and drop shadows that made cloud so hard?

Maybe it was crowded layout, inconsistent colors and drop shadows that made cloud so hard?

Amazon Web Services pioneered public cloud computing, and by doing so created myriad possibilities that have shaped the world we live in today. But the service has never been notable for offering admins a delightful experience – a negative it appears to be trying to change.

The cloudy concern on Thursday announced a forthcoming "visual update" to the AWS Management Console.

Principal partner solutions architect Prasad Rao described the update: "A revised typography scale and improved treatment of headings result in a stronger visual hierarchy, which helps you to better locate and understand your data." Yes, font choice matters. Hard to argue.

He also promised an "improved the color palette" that is "more vibrant" and "simplified the color treatment of interactive elements."

That apparently translates into secondary buttons, links, tokens, and interactive states for numerous interface elements all now being blue, "making it easier for you to interact with the content ...

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